What to make of Andy?


I have an iPad, and I love it... However, I have found that in a meeting, paper notes are the most effective. When I tried note taking on the iPad, it was not as 'bad' as using a laptop, but still a negative. It was felt I was playing with a toy, and not paying attention. When I took notes with paper notebook, even though it was the same notes, it was perceived as a positive.

After the meetings, I transfer any needed info/action items/etc into my ipad/electronic system. This gives me the benefit of having needed data in electronic system, review of all meetings and action points, and being effective.


More work for me, but benefits heavily outweigh the cost.



Andy is replying to a request for advice on whether to use the Ipad for note-taking or to stick with paper and re-typing later. Andy is for paper and gives his reason.

Is Andy a wimp who should learn to stick to his guns? Or is he a wise man who wishes to arrive at a goal (effectiveness) and does what it takes to achieve it? Or What?