Gloria Allred’s Prank Demolished

 The headline blared that “The Gloria Allred Wants Rush Arrested”


“In a letter dated March 8, Allred, writing on behalf of the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund, requested that Palm Beach County State Attorney Michael McAuliffe probe whether the conservative radio personality had violated Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes by calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke the two derogatory words.

The statute stipulates that anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Allred explained that the statute recently came to her attention as having never been repealed, and that it could very well apply to Limbaugh’s remarks as his show is broadcast from West Palm Beach.”

 In the actual letter, attorney Allred alleges that since Limbaugh called Ms. Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” he is in violation of the ordinance and the State Attorney should spend tax-payer funds investigating the possibility of crime here.

 Leave asside the irony that Allred wishes to protect Fluke’s right to testify (about her sex life in public in a bid to win a subsidy) by means of completely obliterating Limbaugh’s free-speech rights. That merely speaks to Allred's hypocricy on the topic of civil rights. 

More fun, though is to see her argument itself is devastated and left in shambles by the clever commentor named Thinly Veiled Anonymity posting at PJ Media:

“The imputation of a want of chastity must be false, by the terms of the statute.

Said unmarried woman has testified in front of Congress, by obvious and direct implication, that her chastity is a fiction.”

Some lawyers make irrefutable arguments. Others just grandstand their way up.