Daniel JeynAs I recall, the founders had quite a quandry at establishing a multi-religious republic. Quite a few traditional Anglican congregants thought that Quakers, because they would not swear oaths, would completely undermine the application of law as understood under Common Law. The Baptists were similarly anathematized, as I understand it. Lest we forget, the common slur against Catholics was a belief that they were sworn to follow the orders of foreign potentates, something which even JFK had to downplay.
I just hope the new Pope articulates what the Church stands for and resists calls by Muslims to approve "anti-blasphemy" laws. It'd be nice if he denounced the EU, but I won't hold my breath.
As an atheist, my self-interest is that the Pope should actually be Catholic. A squishy Pope who wants to please Muslims is the biggest threat to me as an American, the way I see it.
De Tocqueville, maybe agnostic, knew you need religion in a democracy, to point beyond ourselves. Smart atheists love the Church.