Roosevelt at the Sorbonne, claiming that in a democratic Republic it is the average man and woman ("the man in the arena") who will determine the success or failure of the Republic by getting involved in government at any level.
Compare this to any speech by Trump or Clinton. Ye gads.
"For there is reason to think that if a city were composed entirely of good men, then to avoid office would be as much an object of contention as to obtain office is at present; then we should have plain proof that the true ruler is not meant by nature to regard his own interest, but that of his subjects; and every one who knew this would choose rather to receive a benefit from another than to have the trouble of conferring one."
The Republic, Book I.
"Del sentimiento trágico de la vida" (The Tragic Sense of Life) by Miguel de Unamuno, Trans. J. E. Crawford
"Yes, perhaps, as the Sage says, "nothing worthy proving can be
proven, nor yet disproven"; but can we restrain that instinct which urges
man to wish to know, and above all to wish to know the things which may conduce
to life, to eternal life? Eternal life, not eternal knowledge, as the
Alexandrian gnostic said. For living is one thing and knowing is another; and,
as we shall see, perhaps there is such an opposition between the two that we
may say that everything vital is anti-rational, not merely irrational, and that
everything rational is anti-vital. And this is the basis of the tragic sense of
Start reading this book for free:
In Somerville, Mass. the police union and others are upset that a Black Lives Matter banner drapes the City Hall; they request that the sign be changed to "All Lives Matter." But no, “Hanging the banner speaks to all lives,” said the mayor in an interview on Friday.
And his chief of police stands behind him. As the Times reports:
So you see the logic? We need to be inclusive and the way to do that is to pick out one and only one group for our pro life banner.Somerville has a black population of about 6 percent. Of the black community’s possible fear of the police, Chief Fallon said: “Whether I feel that that is justified or not, it doesn’t matter. They’re living in my community in fear.”
“When I hear the hashtag or see the banner ‘Black Lives Matter,’ ” he said, “it just brings to my mind personally that we have to be inclusive.”
From InstaPundit:
IN RELATED NEWS, FISH TURN OUT TO ENJOY BICYCLING: The job that makes us happiest? Housewife! Survey finds stay-at-home mothers are more satisfied than any other profession. “Only one in seven stay-at-home parents say they are dissatisified with their role, a level of unhappiness that is less than half that found among civil servants or salesmen and women.”
In describing the situation during the rise of Galba, Tacitus tells
us what motivated the various players' choice of emperor. Some
indeed thought of the good of the country, some of themselves. The
vulgar, he adds, as is their wont went for the best looking one.
I read that, I was at first puzzled and wondered if the same principle
applies today. Then I remembered--Victor Davis Hansen I think it was--telling a story where someone asks a Mexican-American
cleaning lady whom she favored. "Him, el Jefe" she said, indicating Trump. He is the boss. She could see that on the TV.
The children's song, Puritan clapping song, Burl Ives hit and party song has an interesting history. The tune was composed by Jean Jacques Rousseau for an opera. It is here a beautiful hymn.
The story is told on this fine page:
Does NO ONE do homework any more?